Grace Church DR Mission Trip 2017

Grace Church Day One, Thursday

Day One (?) is in the books. All of our travel from church to JFK to DR was uneventful and smooth. We arrived to the Santo Domingo airport and were greeted by Benjamin, who served as our host all day. We settled into the hotel and then went out to the market for shopping and lunch. Afterwards we walked the Colonial Zone, stopped at the Chocolate Museum and then ate dinner at a restaurant in the Capital. We went to the supermercado to buy food to make lunch for 100 people at tomorrow's event. After rehearsing the drama, we all turned into bed to catch up on our sleep.  We are tired but excited about being here and what all we will do the next 10 days. Pray for a good night's sleep, health and an openness to God's voice. 

Each day a different member of the team will write a wrap up of that day's events and any prayer requests we have. Tune in tomorrow night.

Liquid Church DR Mission Trip - Homeward Bound

It has been an incredible week. As we prepare to leave this wonderful island with its wonderful people, we do so with a new understanding of the word "heartstrings", as it refers to our deepest emotions and affections. Our heartstrings have certainly been tugged every which way and, safe to say, that each of us will carry a bit of this week's experience in our hearts for a very long time to come. We thank you for your prayers and support.

 Here is an update on our travel plans.  We have just learned that our flight from Santo Domingo will be delayed.



We now are scheduled to leave Santo Domingo at 6:22 PM, arriving at JFK at 10:15 PM

This should put us back in Mountainside at approximately 12:15 AM


Liquid Church DR Mission Trip - Day 7

Don't even know how to report today. The most emotional day of the week. Both Liquid and Grace groups went to the beach with the beautiful girls of Pasitos de Jesus.  Then we went to Pasitos for a pizza party. What followed was amazing. The singing, dramas and testimonies from Mama Dalma and several girls. Then out of nowhere Charina, the first girl Dalma welcomed in the home, a sweet girl with Down's syndrome gave her testimony. Kat did an amazing job translating. You see, Charina has never spoken before a group before or shown emotion. Not a dry eye in the place including Charina's sisters. God was clearly moving on so many hearts including one of our own girls who prayed to accept the Lord as Savior. Thank you Lord for letting us be there tonight. Well heading back to the hotel and then flying home tomorrow. Now we hand off to the amazing Grace Church team. I love you guys. 

Visit our photo gallery for more photos

Liquid Church DR Mission Trip - Day 6

Today was the Liquid youth's last day of Isaiah 58 ministry. This morning this wonderful team went to Los Pinos. Then back to Catalina for lunch. We spent the afternoon playing with the kids of the Handfuls of Hope school. Great time that ended with Taco Salad for the sendoff dinner. Just a great day given to all by the Lord. Tonight we welcome the Grace Church Youth team. Can't wait to see everyone. 

For more photos, please visit our photo gallery

Liquid Church DR Mission Trip - Day 5

Day 5

Today was a special gift. Our plan for today changed. God's plan was perfect. As of 10pm last night, we were wondering where we would serve this morning.  Yesterday, a church in the capital was praying that the Lord would send help. Today at 9am the Lord answered their prayer and blessed us with a wonderful visit. Everyone was sad to leave at 1:30pm. In the afternoon we did a VBS program in a very poor section of the capital. Thank you Lord for a special day.

For more photos, visit our photo gallery

Liquid Church DR Mission Trip - Day 4

Day 4

Today was another wonderful sweet day. This group of teens and leaders are doing a great job. The day started with Isaiah 58 in a little village, Yiyo Gomez. We then went back for a delicious lunch. Including yucca. Yummy. Then the kids painted the entire back wall of the school as well as a classroom's desks. We sneaked an extra visit back to La Rigola, a village we really love. We were privileged to be able to go house to house and deliver clothes. These folks have such huge needs and are so appreciative. It was the sweetest visit. Many tears when we had to leave to go back to Catalina for dinner and celebrate Sophia's birthday. It's now 8:30pm, and we're heading back to the hotel after loading the trailer for tomorrow. Thank you Lord for today's blessings. 

Visit our photo gallery to see more photos

Liquid Church DR Mission Trip - Day 3

Day 3

Today was action packed! We left the capital at 7:30 this morning and headed off to ministry. Now, at 7pm, we are headed to the hotel to the chatter and singing voices. It's a beautiful thing. Today we visited La Rigola, a sweet village. We played and sang, our puppets entertained, and HOH missionary James presented the gospel after Erik led the singing.

Liquid Youth did a great job presenting two dramas for the folks. Then the team handed out Manna Packs to the families. This afternoon we went back to visit and painted two houses. The appreciation from these families was heartwarming. Pray please that tomorrow is as sweet. Thank you Lord

Visit our photo gallery for more pics

Liquid Church DR Mission Trip - Day 2

Today has been a great day!
Our day began with Church on the beach. God is clearly working in hearts. Several gave their hearts to the Lord this morning and we're sure that a celebration broke out in Heaven. God is amazing. This group from Liquid church is amazing!

We had pizza for lunch, then a wonderful time visiting the children at the Robert Reid Hospital. (Sorry, but out of respect for the children and their families, the are no photos from the Children's Hospital). A yummy dinner at Provacon, then back to the hotel for a 30 minute swim followed by skit and song practice. We're looking forward to IS58 ministry tomorrow. Good night Lord!

Liquid Church DR Mission Trip - Day 1

Today was a great day. Long, but great. No one slept last night but all travel went very well. The team did a great job with street ministry, handing out tracts and singing in the park.   Tonight we packed up for tomorrow's visit to Robert Reid Children's Hospital.  Sunday morning will begin with breakfast, then Church on the beach at nine a.m. We are excited about what God is doing. 

A few of the day's photos are below. For more photos, please visit our photo gallery.
Love to all! Everyone is well.

Summer 2017 DR Mission Trip - Day 5

Great day today. Got past Wednesday. Those who have gone know what I mean. VBS final day was packed. IS58 was a really sweet village. Second floor looks amazing and desk repairs coming along. Big day tomorrow. Pray for Kids Camp and concert at night.

Summer 2017 DR Mission Trip - Day 4

Day 4
The Lord has given us another great day. One more day of VBS to go. The Respect Theme is really catching on. The construction team are incredible. The walls are done and the rafters are on the second floor, waiting for the windows and doors to be set tomorrow. Then the roof goes on. David and team are doing a great job repairing the desks. The IS58 team today visited Santa Rosa. The people appreciated the visit, the games and clothes and food the team handed out. Please pray that the Lord continues to give us good health and strength and safety. God bless

Summer 2017 DR Mission Trip - Day 3

Day 3
I'm watching an amazing team in the DR. They are working with kids and families, and doing an amazing job (in extreme heat) constructing a second floor on our school building. Lord send clouds. Please. Clearly, today, they have decided to follow Jesus. We praise God that four of our own, yesterday, committed to follow Jesus. The team is pouring themselves into these lives. Praise God for what He is doing

Here are a few photos.  Check out our photo gallery to see more

Summer 2017 DR Mission Trip - Day 2

Day 2
Our day started with church. So often, faced with decisions about life, we say "But I..." instead of "But God...". Our worship time, led by Brian and Ron, was great. We then went for a great visit to the Children's hospital along with the HOH friends from IBI. The day finished with prep time back at the hotel and off to sleep. Tomorrow we head out early for our first full day of ministry in Catalina. Pray for us!!!  

Summer 2017 DR Mission Trip - Day 1

Day one is in the books as we travel back to the capital for much needed sleep. Our flight was delayed for 2 1/2 hours this morning. Two teams converged at the airport. Our team was arriving, while the MEFC team headed back home. We were able to catch a picture at airport.

We also said goodbye to Maura who interned this summer and to Gio who gave us 40 days before being deployed with the Army. Both were a blessing to many. 

A great day was had as we prepared for VBS and IS58 next week. The construction crew was thrilled to see the roof was on the school, allowing us to put up the second floor next week. The guys worked through sun and heat and refreshed the shade screens in the school yard. The theme of the day seemed to be amazement at what God has done. 

MEFC DR Mission Trip - Day 3

Well day 3 is in the books!

We started our day early, leaving for Catalina at 7am. A lot of excitement from the team as we drove there as they have been waiting to see Catalina for quite some time. 

The first village we went to for our Isaiah 58 ministry was La Rigola. They were so happy to have us come and share with them! We did puppets and sang songs for the kids... and for the  adults we performed a drama and James gave a short sermon. After handing out food we played games with the kids! 

After lunch we headed out to another village called San Jose following the same routine. Kevin and Bill commented "how great it is to see our kids getting out of their comfort zones and really engaging with the people here".  What a great response from the people who have welcomed us with open arms!

After San Jose we packed meal bags for tomorrow's village and had dinner in Catalina. 

Back to hotel where the kids requested ICE CREAM! So we walked, just down the street from the hotel, to a great ice cream place called Bon. 

Overall a hot, but action-packed day! 

Our day 3 video is below! 

MEFC DR Mission Trip - Day 2

Hey everyone!

I'm writing this blog entry late because we have had a really long but exciting day!

After breakfast we went to IBI church here in the capital. The music was amazing and the sermon was impactful. We were given earpieces that translated to English for us! That was helpful! 

After church it was Pollo Victorino for lunch. (Best Chicken ever). We enjoyed laughing, eating and getting to know our HOH staff and interns a little better. (I feel really blessed to have them here)

After lunch was our trip to the Robert Reed children's hospital. Every group I go with always has a different experience but today I was very touched by how receptive the people were and the smiles on all of the kids faces when we sang for them. This group of Montgomery kids are awesome! Our visit was cut short because it was dinner time for patients there. 

After our visit it was a trip to Jumbo (supermarket) for snacks and dinner in the mall. 

We went right back to the hotel and begin prepping for our first day in Catalina tomorrow! We practiced puppets and put the finishing touches on our drama we will be performing in the villages! (there may have been coffee and Nutella donuts) 😊

Tomorrow is going to be an early start so I need to get some sleep! Please continue to pray that everyone stays healthy and safe and that God's light will shine through us to the people we will minister to! 

Attached is our day 2 slideshow.

MEFC DR Mission Trip - Day 1

I am Dave Barletta and, this week, I am privileged to be leading a wonderful team from Montgomery Evangelical Free Church on their DR Mission trip. Time permitting, we'll be posting a nightly update with a few highlights of the day as we minister together.


I'm always amazed at the way God works. How He gives us strength when we are weak. How He takes our humble offerings and uses them for His glory....

As I sit here in my hotel room, tired from a long day of travel...I am thankful for this group of teens and leaders who have come down here to serve the people of the DR. I'm thankful that God has chosen me to lead them on this journey and couldn't be more proud of the way these kids have handled themselves so far. 

I've attached a video that Bill (one of the Dads on the trip) put together of our first day. 

Tomorrow will be church at IBI in the capital followed by a trip to the Robert Reed children's hospital. 

Good night all!

See the Need. Make a Difference.

“I have one life and one chance to make it count for something… My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference.”  Jimmy Carter

If you have been on a mission trip, or have ever passed a homeless person on the street, you have seen the need. If you have seen a child who can't go to school because he has no shoes or clothes to wear, or held the hand of a 14 year-old mom who can not feed or care for her baby, you have seen the need. If you have eyes, you surely have seen the need; the overwhelming needs of the people around us.  How can one person make a difference?

Our recent medical mission trip was nothing short of amazing, as our team of 70 ministered care and compassion to a multitude of people in a few short days. With such a wonderful team, there are (at least) 70 stories to be told by 70 individuals who, each in their own way, choose to make a difference. One of those stories is lovingly illustrated by the new playground equipment in our schoolyard.  

One of our team members, while participating in the 2016 medical trip, visited our school, saw the need, and donated the funds for the playground equipment. It is such a blessing to our school and to our precious students. The children love it!  

We all have the capacity to make a difference and we shouldn't make the mistake of thinking it needs to be a huge, imposing or intimidating task. Sometimes, it requires only a simple act of kindness. Sometimes you write a check, or volunteer your time or some specific talent or ability. It could involve a paintbrush or a hammer; a stethoscope or, perhaps, a pen and paper.  There are endless opportunities so go ahead, get involved. See the need, and make a difference!

Here are a few ways you can get involved at Handfuls of Hope

Sponsor a child
Our school is funded solely by the generosity of our donor/sponsors. You can make a difference in the life of a child.

Participate in a mission trip.
Be part of the team. Activities include construction, VBS, food ministry, medical/dental. visitation, or a host of other opportunities.

Creative fundraising ideas
You can help us to achieve our ministry goals by raising funds and/or awareness for HOH.

Do you have other ideas?  We would love to hear them!
Contact us today!

Let's make a difference!

Jan 2017 Medical Missions Trip - Day 5

Our last full day in-country. It began with a great breakfast, then some worship and an impactful message from Don Coords, who asked us to listen to what God is calling us to do; to work toward being committed to HIS plan, and not seek our own alternatives. He was preaching to me personally although the room was packed. 

After that the team had some time for rest and relaxation at Costa Caribe, with a dip in the ocean and a fabulous meal, it was a well-deserved break from ministry work. 

The icing on today's cake was our visit to "Pasitos de Jesus"  a girls orphanage that HOH has a relationship with. As we entered the grounds we heard the girls singing for us. They greeted us in song then grabbed our hands and played with us out in their large open yard.  Face painting, bead bracelets and a Pizza Party to top off the evening. 

These young girls have such love for the Lord, and they are so polite and thankful for what they have. Several girls told their story of rescue from abuse and how they are thankful to be living with their "sisters" and Mamma Dalma at Pasitos.  Our evening ended with the HOH team presenting Mamma with a significant donation to be used for food and necessities. Pasitos is struggling to keep the lights on and the refrigerator stocked for 50  growing girls. 

Eye opening, but glad we could serve them pizza and distribute donated toys, shoes and clothing.  Emotional for sure, and we left all our tears on the pathways surrounding our gathering area. Another late night and early morning, so "Good Night" and thank you for supporting HOH with your prayers and financial resources. -  John D.