DR 2012 Mission Trip - Day 4
/Greetings from sunny Dominican Republic!
What a wonderful day we had in Catalina!
The construction team worked like a bee hive full of worker bees all buzzing around knowing what their jobs are and getting it done. What a cohesive group! It is a sight to see as our Dominican family come up alongside our very diverse group and just blend as if we had worked together every day for decades. The new roof rafters, joists and trusses went into place so quickly and the back wood constructed room is being assembled onto the back of the church addition.
It is truly amazing what can get accomplished when hard working, loving people come together as one. There are no egos, no agendas, only a deep desire to help this Christ centered church and forward the gospel to Catalina and the surrounding villages.
The Light Construction team got much accomplished with more of the church front and side getting painted, a cement block wall skim coated for painting tomorrow, scraping and wire brushing of the metal fence in front of Mama's house. We are so excited to make this a flower garden for her to enjoy, and bring some joy to her during this time of deep mourning of the loss of her beloved brother. The entire DR team chipped in to buy Mama a beautiful mango tree that will be planted in her garden as a memorial tree in honor of her brother along with colorful flowers and shrubs. Precious teen girls spent hours gathering piles of river rock for us to use as landscaping in the new garden.
Our VBS Team ministered to children in two villages, with a morning session in the Village of San Jose and Carreton in the afternoon. Songs, a Bible story, games and crafts, all make for a super fun time for the children. Best of all, however, is the way our team is able to share the love of Christ with kids through their smiles and hugs. It is pure joy.
The road side 40 ft. metal shipping container that has been used for storage but an eye sore for some time is being transformed into a beautiful "billboard" announcing the church's worship times, ministry offerings and a scripture verse for all to see on this heavily traveled highway. What a blessing!
Some of our precious women spent all day preparing in an adjacent village for the upcoming teacher's conference. This is such an amazing opportunity for the teachers to attend as they typically have very minimal access to curriculum resources and supplies. Approximately 80 teachers are expected to attend. This should prove to be one of the highlights of our trip, and for so many hard working teachers in the DR.
7pm arrival back at the hotel followed by much welcomed showers, then a delicious buffet supper. We had a brief wrap up meeting and were treated with special music. Kim L. sang a beautiful song, "Speak for Me" accompanied by Jared G. followed by Beker accompanied by the Lambertson sisters in harmony, singing "Lord I Give You My Heart" and "Alabra Dios" with Don I. on guitar. What a way to end a fantastic day of ministry!!
Prayers for Wednesday as it is notoriously the "hit the wall" day. Fatigue starts to set in, we are all more comfortable with our surroundings, and satan tends to look for opportunities to shake up the unity that has been getting tighter and tighter. Father, protect us from the evil one and his traps and may tomorrow reign victorious for You and You alone! Amen and Amen!