Day 3, Catalina
/“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth; It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:10-11
Monday, our first day in Catalina, was definitely a memorable one. Once again, God was at work! The word went out today to hundreds and it will accomplish His purpose! The group was divided into VBS teams and construction/painting teams. The VBS team visited two villages- Catalina and Carratone. Children, teenagers, mothers and teen mothers were all broken into groups where the word of God was spoken. The teen mothers group was an especially blessed moment where 9 very young moms were encouraged with the truth of God’s purpose in their lives and in their babies’ lives.
The construction team worked on building trusses to repair the church’s roof. This was an amazing team that worked hard and laughed together in the heat of the sun. The joy of the Lord was definitely present in their work today. They will continue working on this tomorrow.
The painting team painted the dugouts at the local baseball field. Another amazing team and they did a beautiful job! This will be completed tomorrow morning in time for the baseball clinic that will take place tomorrow afternoon.
I can’t forget to mention our delicious lunch provided by the women of Catalina. Everyday they work hard to prepare delicious meals for our group of 54. Today we had rice and vegetables with chicken and lime cake for dessert. It was incredible. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s lunch!
Our day ended with some very special team devotions and worship. Again, we thank you for your prayers! Keep praying! We are so privileged to be God’s vessels here in the Dominican. Can’t wait to share tomorrow what the Lord has done! Praise Him!