Day 4, Carratone
/“That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
What power the word of God has! This verse was used today in the teen VBS. Many Dominicans here believe that if they sin they weren’t ever really saved. Some say they don’t “feel” that they’re saved. This was a focal point in our discussion where we spoke of God’s promises and His grace as well as the importance of studying the word, obeying the word and teaching the word. I’m not surprised to tell you that today was another incredible day! The spirit of the Lord was all over and filled us to speak the truth in love. The word of God was spread throughout hundreds more and over 40 people got saved! Praise the Lord! He is good and His word accomplished salvation today!
Much was accomplished in the physical realm today as well. The construction crew completed building the trusses and installed them. The painting crew completed the baseball field and started working on painting the Handfuls of Hope house. The baseball clinic was a success and will continue into tomorrow.
Our day ended with a nice hot shower, a delicious meal and another time together as a team. Our friend, Kiko from SCORE International, came to share from the Word and passionately shared his heart as how we are to live as believers in Christ. It was an amazing day! Tomorrow we visit a village called Matanzas for VBS and then on to another village called Nizao to street evangelize and pass out invitations for our concert we’ll hold there on Friday afternoon.
We expect a lot from God!! He has already done SO much! Thank you for your prayers- Dios te bendiga! (God bless you!)