Day 5, Matanzas

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.”   Psalm 100:1-3

 So guess what kind of day we had? AMAZING! The day was a blessing as VBS took place in a village called Matanzas. The word was spread and we praise God for that! The construction team had a very full day of work on the church roof. It was completed just in time for our teacher’s conference to be held for the next 2 days.  The painting crew continued to work on the Handfuls of Hope house and it is coming along well! Kim Radwanski did a beautiful job painting the Handfuls of Hope logo on the house. The baseball clinic was a success with 53 kids ranging from age 7-16 years old. 2 boys came to know the Lord today! A room was also built for privacy in the clinic. We also had the opportunity to hand out tracks and concert flyers in the town of Nizao. This is where our concert will take place on Friday night.  The concert team has been practicing for months and all this week so we are very excited about this event. We pray that hearts will be moved and that people will come to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Our day ended with very special guests- Pastor Vernon and his family came back with us to the hotel to swim, eat and fellowship together. We had a moving worship time together praising our God both in Spanish and English. It was so special.   

A favorite quote from today from a young lady who accepted Christ a week ago said, “I am happy today, tomorrow, and forever!” When asked why she responded, “ Because I have Jesus in my heart!” May we all have her joyfulness!

Until tomorrow- Dios te bendiga!